5th Grade Band night - for any parents of 5th graders interested in playing an instrument in the 5th Grade Band this year - is tomorrow night, September 7, in the band room by door 10 at the school. Please stop in between 3:50 and 7pm and visit with Mrs. Bennett to get set up for the year! If you can't make it to this meeting, please contact Mrs. Bennett (email works great). A representative from Popplers Music will be at the band room from 3:50 to 6pm with instruments available to rent and more information for perspective band students and their parents. Hope to see you there!

If you plan to attend the volleyball game in Larimore, please be aware that the parking situation will be difficult due to construction.
Fans will need to park on the streets north of the school or anyplace they can find.

Picture Day is Tuesday, Sept. 13 and Thursday, Sept. 15. Check out the flyer to see what day your student gets their picture taken.

Help celebrate National Grandparent's Day with a muffin on Friday, September 9th from 7:40-8:20 am.

Sign up for the fall Mini Cheer Camp for grades PreK-5 is available now! More info will be sent home. Follow the link to register by September 8. https://forms.gle/pihUjjfa1bpbBBN66

Ms. Miska’s third graders working on collaborative learning and team building activities today in PE. Learning to work together with good communication was our goal today. They got to build Hula Huts and even got to build a Hula Condo with two floors! :)

Mrs. Moquist’s high school English classes enjoyed time at the McKechnie Outdoor Classroom reading and writing nature poetry.

Mrs. Moquist’s high school English classes thank the Cavalier Public Library for teaching us about all the library has to offer today. We are grateful to grow our relationship between our school and community.

Tuesday, August 30, 7:15 am there will be a drama meeting in Mrs Schroeder’s classroom, Room 11 in the middle school hallway. Grades 7-12 are invited. Come in door 14. Muffins will be provided! If you want to be involved in one act play competition and drama club, please attend. Talk to Mrs. Schroeder for more information.

There will be 7th-12th grade volleyball pictures after school on Monday, August 29. Picture forms are available in the office.

We appreciate the participation in our ESP before and after school program from our families. We want to provide adequate homework help and safe supervision for all students. Currently we are full to capacity and cannot accept any further students due to staffing shortages. Sorry for the inconvenience. If our situation changes, we will try to accomodate. Thank you.

Couple of announcements after the 2nd day of school:
1) We are still looking to hire three kitchen workers, an office secretary, a custodian and an elementary boys basketball coach. We would prefer full-time, but are willing to be flexible with part-time employment. Call the school if interested.
2) National Grandparent's Day is September 11th. We invite grandparents of our students to attend "Muffins with Grandparents" on the morning of Friday, September 9th from 7:40-8:20 am that day.

A reminder that Chromebooks will be handed out during the Back to Schoo/ Open House from 4-6:30 pm tonight for students in grades 6-12. The Chromebook $25.00 fee needs to be paid and the Chromebook agreement form signed by student and parent before the Chromebook is issued.

Open House: Tuesday, August 23 4-6:30pm
Hotdog, Chips, & Water served from 5-6:30

High School sports season is here!
- Come on out to the Cavalier Sports Complex Friday night to cheer on the Tornadoes football team as they take on Northern Cass in an 11-man game @7PM. Come early to enjoy a tailgate put on by Cavalier Boosters and to recognize our 2002 state championship team.
- Cheer on the Grizzlies Cross Country team as they head to Hillsboro tomorrow morning for a meet at 10AM.

Attention JH football parents: here is the code for the remind app to get the messages and team announcements. Please join as soon as possible as to not miss any notifications. The code is @ctjhfb2022

Middle School and 9th Grade orientations tonight in the Multi-Purpose room.
- 6th Grade at 5:30 PM
- 7/8th Grade at 6:30 PM
- 9th Grade at 7:30 PM
Mr. Ford and Mr. Moquist are excited to see you tonight and welcome you back for the new school year.

A huge thank you to Koda Bank for donating school supplies as we get ready to kick off another year. It is very much appreciated.

Elementary (5th & 6th) Girls Basketball Practice will begin on Monday, August 22 @4:00PM in the Armory. The season will run from August 22 through the end of September. Please call the school at 265-8417 to sign up your child and get on the remind APP. They will also need an Activity Pass and a sports physical.

We are excited at Cavalier School in that two weeks from today, school will begin! The family letter was mailed last week and is also posted to our school app/website. Just a reminder that only school-issued Chromebooks or tablets can be used at the school. The reason being is security issues with other non-school devices. We will issues Chromebooks to students in grades 6-12 at the Back to School Open House on Tuesday, Aug. 23 from 4-6:30 pm. We also have the following positions open:
Office Secretary
Kitchen Worker
If interested, please contact the school for more information.