Science Olympiad Team

Congratulations to the Science Olympiad Team on placing 2nd overall at regionals.  They will be competing at NDSU in the state competition on April 20th

The following students placed in individual events.

3rd place winners:

Mason Heller & Mylee Gapp in Air Trajectory

 2nd place winners:

Madison Heller & Nora Crosby in Flight

Owen Crosby in Geologic Mapping

Madison Heller and Vivian Ibarra in Scrambler

Nora Crosby and Caitlin Johnson in Write It Do It

 1st place winners are

Nora Crosby & Caitlin Johnson in Anatomy

Ava Kemnitz and Nora Crosby in Chem Lab

Mason Heller and Gunder Kemp in Disease detectives

Anja Schluchter and Jonas Kuhn in Ecology

Ava Kemnitz, Ariana Thebeau, and Caitlin Johnson in Experimental Design

Gunder Kemp and Jonas Kuhn in Optics

Nora Crosby and Owen Crosby in Towers